A very tiring week here. Took all the knitting down from Lauderdale House on Sunday night - Raffy & Eden were very good considering it was such a long day. A small amount of moaning took place concerning Raffy's love/hate relationship with Octopus! Here he is with the new addition to the gang! But no tantrums just a rather disconnected boy...
Many thanks to Nina, Jenny & Adi for purchasing and giving good homes to some knitted people! That has been a real boost.
Damon made a fantastic donation but shame couldn't get in to see the show on Saturday afternoon (function on upstairs...). Also donations from Neil, Vicky, Auntie May, all brilliant.
I've been invited to show with The Magic Beans Collective (love that name!) at 97-99 Clerkenwell Road from this Friday. Private view is Friday 14th May 6-9pm. All welcome! So if you didn't manage to see the Lauderdale House show or make up your mind about which knitted family to buy, now is your chance!
The exhibition runs until 23rd May.
It looks like Friday will be another marathon day, hanging show, then fingers crossed going to the pv later.... Our beloved Auntie Phyl will probably be able to look after the two mini humans for a few hours.
Watched the BBC documentary 'I want my little boy back' about the Birmingham family who embark on the Son-Rise® Program. If anyone wants to borrow this please let us know, it's absolutely spot on. Jordan is a great young man and the Broadrick family are in a very similar situation to ours.
Ruth xxxx
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